
Carbon Steel Precision Pipe for Hydraulic line,50A,OD-60.5mm,working pressure under 210kg/cm2,Cable car hydraulic pipe NA.NA.71 07 XX
Pipe, carbon steel, for High Pressure Service, 40A, Schedule 40 NA.NA.71 04 08
Pipe, carbon steel, for High Pressure Service, 50A, Schedule 40 NA.NA.71 04 09
Pipe, carbon steel, for High Pressure Service, 65A, Schedule 40 NA.NA.71 04 10
Slip-on welding Steel pipe flange, 40A, Schedule 40, 10 bar NA.NA.73 46 26
Slip-on welding Steel pipe flange, 50A, Schedule 40, 10 bar NA.NA.73 46 27
Slip-on welding Steel pipe flange, 65A, Schedule 40, 10 bar NA.NA.73 46 28
Steel ungalv. Bolt with nut M16,*70 MM NA.NA.69 12 85
Steel ungalv.bolt with nut, whole threaded, M16x115 NA.NA.69 12 94