
HATLAPA.L270.BP-Part No. 04.1 “Combinned suction and pressure valve 1st stage
Suppliers ref: Part No. 04.1 Combinned suction and pressure valve
1st stage”
HATLAPA.L270.BP-Part No. 04.5 ” Combinned suction and pressure valve 2nd stage
Suppliers ref: Part No. 04.5 Combinned suction and pressure valve
2nd stage”
HATLAPA.L270.BP-Part No. 04.10 “Combinned suction and pressure valve 3rd stage
Suppliers ref: Part No. 04.10 Combinned suction and pressure
valve 3rd stage”
HATLAPA.L270.BP-Part No. 14.2-3 “Rubber pieces Suppliers ref: Part No. 14.2-3 Rubber